IG Publishing implements following DRM protection:
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Online (via iViewer)
- Access can either via IP address or account login (id/pwd)
- Maximum number of concurrent read: 1, 3, 5 or unlimited access (refer product listed in SIP)
- Maximum pages to print: 40 pages at the time – watermark PNG
- Download (current page, Single Page PDF, chapter) – Text-extractable watermark PDF
- Text Copy 1000 characters
- Text Translation 1000 characters
- Default online resources – Wikipedia, Google
Offline (via IGP Reader)
- “Read on App” means customer can borrow the title for offline reading within a certain period (14 days)
- “Read on App” only offers download to mobile devices (Android/IOS)
- To use this service, user must install “iG Publish Reader” in play store (Android device) or app store (IOS device). Register a personal account on the portal (self-register)
- “Read on App” function is not for PCs. It will not work using PCs or any browsers
- “Read on App” function is not available for non-book material type and DRM free database.
- Only 1 copy allow to “Read on App” at a time, however, customers can still able to view it online
- They can borrow a maximum of 30 titles at any given time as long as it is a different title. Same title, we only allow 1 copy to “Read on App”